
Last modified on: April 19, 2024, 8:21 p.m.


Musical Work
Missa Vidi Speciosam
File Type
Symbolic Music
File Format
File Size
17.0 KB

Feature Value
Distance Between Two Most Common Vertical Intervals 7.0
Prevalence of Most Common Vertical Interval 0.2236
Prevalence of Second Most Common Vertical Interval 0.2146
Prevalence Ratio of Two Most Common Vertical Intervals 0.9597
Vertical Unisons 0.02762
Vertical Minor Seconds 0.001304
Vertical Thirds 0.2807
Vertical Tritones 0.007487
Vertical Perfect Fourths 0.1331
Vertical Perfect Fifths 0.2146
Vertical Sixths 0.1154
Vertical Sevenths 0.008621
Vertical Octaves 0.196
Perfect Vertical Intervals 0.5712
Vertical Dissonance Ratio 0.03377
Vertical Minor Third Prevalence 0.6839
Vertical Major Third Prevalence 0.7312
Chord Duration 1.523
Partial Chords 0.1071
Standard Triads 0.741
Diminished and Augmented Triads 0.02778
Dominant Seventh Chords 0.005376
Seventh Chords 0.008065
Non-Standard Chords 0.1438
Complex Chords 0.001792
Minor Major Triad Ratio 0.2288
Average Number of Simultaneous Pitch Classes 2.913
Variability of Number of Simultaneous Pitch Classes 0.3792
Average Number of Simultaneous Pitches 4.176
Variability of Number of Simultaneous Pitches 1.178
Most Common Vertical Interval 0.0
Second Most Common Vertical Interval 7.0
Dynamic Range 0.0
Variation of Dynamics 0.0
Variation of Dynamics In Each Voice 0.0
Average Note to Note Change in Dynamics 0.0
Unpitched Percussion Instrument Prevalence 0.0
String Keyboard Prevalence 1.0
Acoustic Guitar Prevalence 0.0
Electric Guitar Prevalence 0.0
Violin Prevalence 0.0
Saxophone Prevalence 0.0
Brass Prevalence 0.0
Woodwinds Prevalence 0.0
Orchestral Strings Prevalence 0.0
String Ensemble Prevalence 0.0
Electric Instrument Prevalence 0.0
Variability of Note Prevalence of Pitched Instruments 0.0
Variability of Note Prevalence of Unpitched Instruments 0.0
Number of Pitched Instruments 1.0
Number of Unpitched Instruments 0.0
Chromatic Motion 0.1711
Stepwise Motion 0.4507
Melodic Thirds 0.08633
Melodic Perfect Fourths 0.07415
Melodic Tritones 0.0
Melodic Perfect Fifths 0.05032
Melodic Sixths 0.001059
Melodic Sevenths 0.001059
Melodic Octaves 0.01377
Melodic Large Intervals 0.0
Most Common Melodic Interval 0.0
Minor Major Melodic Third Ratio 1.672
Melodic Embellishments 0.01214
Direction of Melodic Motion 0.491
Average Length of Melodic Arcs 1.719
Average Interval Spanned by Melodic Arcs 4.868
Melodic Pitch Variety 4.147
Mean Melodic Interval 1.93
Number of Common Melodic Intervals 3.0
Distance Between Most Prevalent Melodic Intervals 2.0
Prevalence of Most Common Melodic Interval 0.3226
Relative Prevalence of Most Common Melodic Intervals 0.867
Amount of Arpeggiation 0.474
Repeated Notes 0.3226
Importance of Middle Register 0.7534
Importance of High Register 0.1526
Dominant Spread 5.0
Strong Tonal Centres 1.0
Mean Pitch 64.69
Mean Pitch Class 5.175
Most Common Pitch 65.0
Most Common Pitch Class 5.0
Prevalence of Most Common Pitch 0.1156
Prevalence of Most Common Pitch Class 0.2012
Relative Prevalence of Top Pitches 0.7717
Relative Prevalence of Top Pitch Classes 0.8898
Interval Between Most Prevalent Pitches 2.0
Interval Between Most Prevalent Pitch Classes 5.0
Pitch Variability 7.447
Pitch Class Variability 3.509
Pitch Class Variability After Folding 4.522
Pitch Skewness 0.009146
Pitch Class Skewness 0.1494
Pitch Class Skewness After Folding 1.668
Pitch Kurtosis 5.546
Pitch Class Kurtosis 4.748
Pitch Class Kurtosis After Folding 4.197
Major or Minor 0.0
First Pitch 53.0
First Pitch Class 5.0
Last Pitch 53.0
Last Pitch Class 5.0
Glissando Prevalence 0.0
Average Range of Glissandos 0.0
Number of Pitches 26.0
Vibrato Prevalence 0.0
Microtone Prevalence 0.0
Number of Pitch Classes 11.0
Number of Common Pitches 1.0
Number of Common Pitch Classes 1.0
Range 34.0
Importance of Bass Register 0.09398
Note Density per Quarter Note 1.685
Note Density per Quarter Note per Voice 0.2808
Note Density per Quarter Note Variability 0.7103
Range of Rhythmic Values 9.0
Number of Different Rhythmic Values Present 8.0
Number of Common Rhythmic Values Present 2.0
Prevalence of Very Short Rhythmic Values 0.0
Prevalence of Short Rhythmic Values 0.00528
Prevalence of Medium Rhythmic Values 0.679
Simple Initial Meter 1.0
Prevalence of Long Rhythmic Values 0.8617
Prevalence of Very Long Rhythmic Values 0.04593
Prevalence of Dotted Notes 0.08553
Shortest Rhythmic Value 0.5
Longest Rhythmic Value 12.0
Mean Rhythmic Value 2.589
Most Common Rhythmic Value 2.0
Prevalence of Most Common Rhythmic Value 0.5407
Relative Prevalence of Most Common Rhythmic Values 0.3867
Difference Between Most Common Rhythmic Values 2.0
Compound Initial Meter 0.0
Rhythmic Value Variability 1.448
Rhythmic Value Skewness 1.221
Rhythmic Value Kurtosis 11.98
Mean Rhythmic Value Run Length 1.837
Median Rhythmic Value Run Length 1.0
Variability in Rhythmic Value Run Lengths 1.476
Mean Rhythmic Value Offset 0.01056
Median Rhythmic Value Offset 0.0
Complex Initial Meter 0.0
Variability of Rhythmic Value Offsets 0.3789
Complete Rests Fraction 0.002364
Partial Rests Fraction 0.682
Average Rest Fraction Across Voices 0.2638
Longest Complete Rest 1.329
Longest Partial Rest 381.3
Mean Complete Rest Duration 1.329
Mean Partial Rest Duration 14.7
Median Complete Rest Duration 1.329
Median Partial Rest Duration 6.643
Duple Initial Meter 0.0
Variability of Complete Rest Durations 0.0
Variability of Partial Rest Durations 46.21
Variability Across Voices of Combined Rests 162.9
Number of Strong Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized 3.0
Number of Moderate Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized 3.0
Number of Relatively Strong Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized 1.0
Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized 60.0
Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized 40.0
Harmonicity of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized 1.5
Triple Initial Meter 0.0
Strength of Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized 0.6775
Strength of Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized 0.178
Strength Ratio of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized 3.806
Combined Strength of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized 0.8555
Rhythmic Variability - Tempo Standardized 0.05615
Rhythmic Looseness - Tempo Standardized 0.0
Polyrhythms - Tempo Standardized 1.0
Quadruple Initial Meter 1.0
Metrical Diversity 2.0
Total Number of Notes 1894.0
Initial Tempo 100.0
Average Variability of Time Between Attacks for Each Voice 9.724
Minimum Note Duration 0.3
Maximum Note Duration 33.6
Average Note Duration 2.368
Variability of Note Durations 1.702
Amount of Staccato 0.0
Number of Strong Rhythmic Pulses 1.0
Number of Moderate Rhythmic Pulses 2.0
Number of Relatively Strong Rhythmic Pulses 1.0
Mean Tempo 74.69
Strongest Rhythmic Pulse 67.0
Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse 133.0
Harmonicity of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses 1.985
Strength of Strongest Rhythmic Pulse 0.9717
Strength of Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse 0.02035
Strength Ratio of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses 47.74
Combined Strength of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses 0.992
Rhythmic Variability 0.07658
Rhythmic Looseness 0.0
Polyrhythms 1.0
Tempo Variability 24.93
Duration in Seconds 1015.0
Note Density 1.866
Note Density Variability 0.9693
Average Time Between Attacks 1.592
Average Time Between Attacks for Each Voice 3.323
Variability of Time Between Attacks 0.8571
Maximum Number of Independent Voices 6.0
Relative Range of Loudest Voice 0.3529
Relative Range Isolation of Loudest Voice 0.0
Relative Range of Highest Line 0.3529
Relative Note Density of Highest Line 0.2281
Relative Note Durations of Lowest Line 1.1
Relative Size of Melodic Intervals in Lowest Line 0.6667
Voice Overlap 0.9688
Voice Separation 4.0
Variability of Voice Separation 2.449
Parallel Motion 0.05552
Average Number of Independent Voices 4.396
Similar Motion 0.181
Contrary Motion 0.1968
Oblique Motion 0.5667
Parallel Fifths 0.004326
Parallel Octaves 0.005768
Variability of Number of Independent Voices 1.226
Voice Equality - Number of Notes 67.93
Voice Equality - Note Duration 147.1
Voice Equality - Dynamics 0.0
Voice Equality - Melodic Leaps 0.5477
Voice Equality - Range 3.204
Importance of Loudest Voice 0.0