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684 Musical Works for query

Composer(s): Anonymous

Composer(s): Tromboncino, Bartolomeo 1470--1535

Composer(s): Anonymous

Composer(s): Pesenti, Michele 1470--1528

Composer(s): Anonymous

Composer(s): Patavino, Francesco 1487--1551

Composer(s): La Rue, Pierre 1460--1518
  • Genres (Type of Work): Song
  • Genres (Style): Renaissance
  • File(s) Holding Complete Musical Work:
  • File(s) Holding an Individual Section:

Composer(s): Victoria, Tomas Luis de 1548--1611
  • Genres (Type of Work): Motet
  • Genres (Style): Renaissance
  • File(s) Holding Complete Musical Work:
  • File(s) Holding an Individual Section:

Composer(s): Bruhier, Antoine 1470--1521

Composer(s): Josquin, des Prez 1440--1521

Please note that features only apply to valid MIDI, Music XML and MEI files, and will exclude file formats from Sibelius, Finale, etc. For an explanation of all features, please consult the jSymbolic Manual.

Average Number of Simultaneous Pitch Classes:
Average Number of Simultaneous Pitches:
Complex Chords:
Diminished and Augmented Triads:
Dominant Seventh Chords:
Minor Major Triad Ratio:
Most Common Vertical Interval:
Non-Standard Chords:
Partial Chords:
Perfect Vertical Intervals:
Prevalence of Most Common Vertical Interval:
Prevalence of Second Most Common Vertical Interval:
Second Most Common Vertical Interval:
Seventh Chords:
Standard Triads:
Variability of Number of Simultaneous Pitch Classes:
Variability of Number of Simultaneous Pitches:
Vertical Dissonance Ratio:
Vertical Major Third Prevalence:
Vertical Minor Seconds:
Vertical Minor Third Prevalence:
Vertical Octaves:
Vertical Perfect Fifths:
Vertical Perfect Fourths:
Vertical Sevenths:
Vertical Sixths:
Vertical Thirds:
Vertical Tritones:
Vertical Unisons:
Chord Duration:
Distance Between Two Most Common Vertical Intervals:
Prevalence Ratio of Two Most Common Vertical Intervals:
Average Note to Note Change in Dynamics:
Dynamic Range:
Variation of Dynamics:
Variation of Dynamics In Each Voice:
Number of Pitched Instruments:
Number of Unpitched Instruments:
Unpitched Percussion Instrument Prevalence:
Acoustic Guitar Prevalence:
Brass Prevalence:
Electric Guitar Prevalence:
Electric Instrument Prevalence:
Orchestral Strings Prevalence:
Saxophone Prevalence:
String Ensemble Prevalence:
String Keyboard Prevalence:
Variability of Note Prevalence of Pitched Instruments:
Variability of Note Prevalence of Unpitched Instruments:
Violin Prevalence:
Woodwinds Prevalence:
Average Interval Spanned by Melodic Arcs:
Average Length of Melodic Arcs:
Chromatic Motion:
Direction of Melodic Motion:
Mean Melodic Interval:
Melodic Large Intervals:
Melodic Octaves:
Melodic Perfect Fifths:
Melodic Perfect Fourths:
Melodic Pitch Variety:
Melodic Sevenths:
Melodic Sixths:
Melodic Thirds:
Melodic Tritones:
Minor Major Melodic Third Ratio:
Most Common Melodic Interval:
Number of Common Melodic Intervals:
Prevalence of Most Common Melodic Interval:
Repeated Notes:
Stepwise Motion:
Amount of Arpeggiation:
Distance Between Most Prevalent Melodic Intervals:
Melodic Embellishments:
Relative Prevalence of Most Common Melodic Intervals:
Average Number of Independent Voices:
Contrary Motion:
Maximum Number of Independent Voices:
Oblique Motion:
Parallel Motion:
Relative Note Density of Highest Line:
Relative Note Durations of Lowest Line:
Relative Range of Highest Line:
Relative Size of Melodic Intervals in Lowest Line:
Similar Motion:
Voice Equality - Melodic Leaps:
Voice Equality - Note Duration:
Voice Equality - Number of Notes:
Voice Equality - Range:
Voice Overlap:
Voice Separation:
Importance of Loudest Voice:
Parallel Fifths:
Parallel Octaves:
Relative Range Isolation of Loudest Voice:
Relative Range of Loudest Voice:
Variability of Number of Independent Voices:
Variability of Voice Separation:
Voice Equality - Dynamics:
Dominant Spread:
First Pitch:
First Pitch Class:
Importance of Bass Register:
Importance of High Register:
Importance of Middle Register:
Interval Between Most Prevalent Pitch Classes:
Interval Between Most Prevalent Pitches:
Last Pitch:
Last Pitch Class:
Mean Pitch:
Mean Pitch Class:
Most Common Pitch:
Most Common Pitch Class:
Number of Common Pitch Classes:
Number of Common Pitches:
Number of Pitch Classes:
Number of Pitches:
Pitch Class Variability:
Pitch Class Variability After Folding:
Pitch Variability:
Prevalence of Most Common Pitch:
Prevalence of Most Common Pitch Class:
Strong Tonal Centres:
Average Range of Glissandos:
Glissando Prevalence:
Major or Minor:
Microtone Prevalence:
Pitch Class Kurtosis:
Pitch Class Kurtosis After Folding:
Pitch Class Skewness:
Pitch Class Skewness After Folding:
Pitch Kurtosis:
Pitch Skewness:
Relative Prevalence of Top Pitch Classes:
Relative Prevalence of Top Pitches:
Vibrato Prevalence:
Complete Rests Fraction:
Longest Rhythmic Value:
Mean Complete Rest Duration:
Mean Partial Rest Duration:
Mean Rhythmic Value:
Mean Rhythmic Value Run Length:
Median Rhythmic Value Run Length:
Most Common Rhythmic Value:
Note Density per Quarter Note:
Note Density per Quarter Note Variability:
Note Density per Quarter Note per Voice:
Number of Common Rhythmic Values Present:
Number of Different Rhythmic Values Present:
Partial Rests Fraction:
Prevalence of Dotted Notes:
Prevalence of Long Rhythmic Values:
Prevalence of Medium Rhythmic Values:
Prevalence of Most Common Rhythmic Value:
Prevalence of Short Rhythmic Values:
Prevalence of Very Long Rhythmic Values:
Prevalence of Very Short Rhythmic Values:
Range of Rhythmic Values:
Rhythmic Value Variability:
Shortest Rhythmic Value:
Total Number of Notes:
Variability Across Voices of Combined Rests:
Variability in Rhythmic Value Run Lengths:
Variability of Complete Rest Durations:
Variability of Partial Rest Durations:
Average Rest Fraction Across Voices:
Combined Strength of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized:
Complex Initial Meter:
Compound Initial Meter:
Difference Between Most Common Rhythmic Values:
Duple Initial Meter:
Harmonicity of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized:
Longest Complete Rest:
Longest Partial Rest:
Mean Rhythmic Value Offset:
Median Complete Rest Duration:
Median Partial Rest Duration:
Median Rhythmic Value Offset:
Metrical Diversity:
Number of Moderate Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized:
Number of Relatively Strong Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized:
Number of Strong Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized:
Polyrhythms - Tempo Standardized:
Quadruple Initial Meter:
Relative Prevalence of Most Common Rhythmic Values:
Rhythmic Looseness - Tempo Standardized:
Rhythmic Value Kurtosis:
Rhythmic Value Skewness:
Rhythmic Variability - Tempo Standardized:
Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized:
Simple Initial Meter:
Strength Ratio of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses - Tempo Standardized:
Strength of Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized:
Strength of Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized:
Strongest Rhythmic Pulse - Tempo Standardized:
Triple Initial Meter:
Variability of Rhythmic Value Offsets:
Average Note Duration:
Average Time Between Attacks:
Duration in Seconds:
Initial Tempo:
Maximum Note Duration:
Mean Tempo:
Minimum Note Duration:
Note Density:
Variability of Note Durations:
Variability of Time Between Attacks:
Amount of Staccato:
Average Time Between Attacks for Each Voice:
Average Variability of Time Between Attacks for Each Voice:
Combined Strength of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses:
Harmonicity of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses:
Note Density Variability:
Number of Moderate Rhythmic Pulses:
Number of Relatively Strong Rhythmic Pulses:
Number of Strong Rhythmic Pulses:
Rhythmic Looseness:
Rhythmic Variability:
Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse:
Strength Ratio of Two Strongest Rhythmic Pulses:
Strength of Second Strongest Rhythmic Pulse:
Strength of Strongest Rhythmic Pulse:
Strongest Rhythmic Pulse:
Tempo Variability: